Photo: Amia Watling
How did the band get formed? Please tell us how the band started.
We formed early 2020 after playing in various bands around Bristol’s DIY music scene in the UK. 3 of us went to school together (Alfie Hay, Joe Collins and Ethan Jones) whilst we met our drummer Joe playing for his old band Wych Elm. We had all played in other bands, but wanted a band to perform the music I’d written and given our older bands were more post-punk/grunge style, we all found that we wanted an outlet to perform this music which was more akin to what we listened to and from that HAAL was born.
僕らはブリストルのDIY音楽シーンでそれぞれが別のバンドで活動したのちに、2020年の頭に結成しました。メンバーの3人は同じ学校に通っていたことがあり、そのタイミングでWych Elmという別のバンドでプレイしてた現ドラマーのJoeが加入しました。皆別々のバンドで活動していましたが、僕(Alfie)が書いた音楽を演奏したかったということと、僕らの昔のバンドはよりポストパンク/グランジ系統のジャンルだったことが相まってHAALを結成することになりました。
Your songs are mixtures of post rock, post punk, synth, cold wave, and shoegaze. How did you get influenced by these genres, and which bands or artists do you think affected the most in your songwriting process?
That’s really kind of you to say that thank you! I grew up with relatively young parents who surrounded me with good music from a very young age, with bands such as Nine Inch Nails, Soundgarden, Slint, Bjork, Prince and countless others being played in both my households that I grew up in. With this, I suppose it all just came naturally for what I wanted to write and it happened to blend those genres.
そう言ってくれてありがとう!僕は比較的若い親に育てられたんだけど僕がまだ小さかった頃から親には「イイ音楽」に触れさせてもらったんだ。その中には例えばNine Inch NailsとかSoundgarden、Slint、Bjork、Princeとかがあった。その環境で育ったことは僕が今バンドでやっている音楽を作る流れを自然のうちに作っていたと言えるだろうね。

Do you have any connection with other bands? Seems you’re connected with deathcrash (band)?
We had a connection with the Bristol music scene before beginning HAAL, with Joe F. in Wych Elm and myself and Joe C. in a band called Rainmaker. From that, we made loads of friends with lovely people in Bristol, having moved from the countryside in Devon where nothing happens musically.
As for deathcrash, we love their music after Joe F caught them supporting Black Country, New Road and they’ve been really nice to us. We were supposed to play with deathcrash April 2020 in Bristol, but unfortunately COVID cancelled the gig. Hopefully we can arrange something with them in the future. If you guys are reading, hit us up!
HAALを始める前にJoe.Fが在籍していたこともあってWych Elmとは繋がっていたね。僕自身もRainmakerというバンドにいたので、その時にブリストルでたくさんの友達を作ったよ。deathcrashに関しては、 彼らがBlack Country, New Roadのサポートアクトしている時に知り合ってから以降はとても仲が良いね。彼らとは去年の春にライブする予定だったけどコロナでそれもキャンセルになっちゃったね。もし君たち(deathcrash)がこれを読んでたら是非連絡してね!また近い将来に何かやろう!
Tell us some BTS of the recording of “Memorial”.
Memorial deals with themes of personal grief and loss but of one’s self in a more optimistic way. Although the song may not convey it through the sounds , it’s weirdly a positive song for me and almost a reminder to persevere as I owe it to myself.

Lastly, do you have any plans for this year? If any, please tell us.
We have two recorded live sessions to make up for the lack of gigs happening soon. We have a livestream with Bristol promoter GravyTrain, where we’ll be playing with other Bristol band Damefrisør, later this month which we’ll announce soon.We also are recording a session for Rough Trade Bristol later this month – more on that soon… We’re recording in April with an aim to release something physical later this year, watch this space.
昨年は全然ライブができなかったこともあって、それを埋め合わせるためにすでに2つのライブセッションを予定しています。一つ目のセッションでは同じブリストルのバンドDamefrisørとGravyTrainで共演します。加えて、来月にはブリストルのRough Tradeにてセッションを収録予定です。どちらも近々詳細を出します。
■ Release Information

■ Biography
ブリストルのDIYミュージックシーンにて結成。ポストロック、マスロック、インダストリアルを飲み込んだサウンドを鳴らす。DeliluhやThe Telescopesらのサポートを経て早耳リスナーの間から注目を集める4人組。細かな工夫が施されたヴィジュアルエフェクトがライブパフォーマンスでは話題となっている。‘a band to watch out for’ – MixItAllUp (2020)に選出。