Interview – Shelter Boy
ドイツを拠点に活動するSSW、Shelter Boy。Lo-Fiサーフロックからエネルギー溢れるギターロックの全てが詰まったデビューアルバム「Failure Familiar」を先日リリースした今最も熱い彼へのインタビュー。
ー I wanted to give as much power into a project as I can without excuses ー
ー 言い訳なしにに自分の力の最大限をプロジェクトに注ぎ込みたい ー
Please tell us how your project started.
I was in a band before I think for 8-9 years. I found out that I wanted to give as much power into a project as I can without excuses and that was the reason I started a solo-project.
You’ve collaborated with boy pablo on the single, “Terrace”. How did you guys meet?
We supported him on three tour dates in Germany right before lockdown. We had a really good time together (sweetest dude in the world) and then I sent him the demo and he jumped on the track.
シングル”Terrace”ではboy pabloと共演していましたがどのような経緯で出会ったのですか?
ー I was a hardcore Oasis fan ー
ー 筋金入りのOasisファンだったー
When I first listened to your music, I felt some lo-fi indie rock vibe, but from your recent singles, especially “Atmosphere”, I felt more of a Manchester vibe like The Stone Roses and Primal Scream. What were your inspirations in making the album? Were there any concepts?
There was no real concept behind the record but I ever was and ever will be a massive fan of British music. I was a hardcore Oasis fan at the age of 18/19 and I think I revisited these routes again while recording the album.
最初にあなたの音楽を聴いた時、ローファイなインディーロック、特に”Atmosphere”ではThe Stone RosesやPrimal Screamを感じましたがアルバム制作で何か意識したことはありますか?
Tell us the process of your music production.
Sometimes I write tunes just on the guitar and sometimes it starts with a drum loop. After that I make the whole pre-production in my little studio and then I show my producers and we record everything again in the studio.
Tell us some songs or albums you often listened to in your childhood.
As I said I always listened to a lot of Britpop but that whole thing started with the Beatles for me, every record! But in my teens I used to listen a lot to The Maccabees, Tokyo Police Club, MGMT, all the indie stuff.
先に述べたように、僕はいつもブリットポップをたくさん聴いていたけど、自分にとってはビートルズから全てが始まったんだ。でも10代の頃は、The MaccabeesやTokyo Police Club、MGMTなどのインディー系の音楽をよく聴いていたね。
Do you have any artists, labels, or communities that you are interested in these days?
There’s plenty, I’m a huge fan of music so it’s hard to write that down.
Germany has one of the largest music histories in the world. What is your impression of the recent music scene in Germany?
There’s cool bands around but the big bands are a bit too plain for my personal taste.
Please tell us your plans for the future or any goals you have as a band.
I wanna play Glastonbury, record my next album in Rockfield and I’d like to tour the world!
Please give some messages to the listener in Japan!
Hello Japan, hopefully one day I can come by and play you my tunes, I’m buzzin for that! Cmon x
日本の皆さん、こんにちは!いつか僕の曲を演奏しに行くのを楽しみにしてるよ!Cmon x
(Text and translation by Hayata Matsuhiro)
■ Release Information
Shelter Boy – Failure Familiar
Release : 9/10/2021
Label : ZG500 Records a Division of Filter Music Group, Scruff of the Neck

■ Biography
Shelter Boy
ドイツ/ドレスデンを拠点に活動するSSW、Simone Graupnerによるプロジェクト。「Mac DemarcoミーツKing Krule」とも評され、脱力感のあるローファイなインディーロックをKing Kruleさながらの低音ボイスで歌い上げる。これまでにOmar ApolloやGus Dappertonといった次世代アーティストたちの前座を務め、注目度は急上昇中。Fred PerryのSUBCULTUREでもインタビューを受けるなど、今最も旬あアーティストの一人となっている。2021年9月、待望のデビューアルバム「Failure Familiar」をリリース。